Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Logic v. Emotion

Yes I am talking about the stereotypical differences between men and women. For the most part, men operate on logic, and women on emotion. My argument to men is, you can’t love the emotional part of a woman that will walk 100 miles in the desert without water for you; but not the one who talks about her feelings during a disagreement.

I am fully aware of the exceptions to this rule, but over all this is the basis of most misunderstandings between men and women. When a woman is upset and “irrational” about something, the worst thing a man can do is only apply HIS LOGIC to the situation. It is not that we cannot understand and see why your point of view “makes sense”. However, this narrow thinking invalidates our feelings.

As an example, a woman in a romantic relationship feels threatened when another woman is actively trying to seduce her man. It doesn’t mean that she is insecure or jealous. It means that she would prefer that the chick respect and appreciate your committed relationship and back off.  

Now men in these situations get a little extra swag when another woman actively pursues them. They might not even want the chick, but the fact that another woman is aggressively after them, complimenting them about how great they are, presents a conflict within a man. It strokes their egos. They may even “feign” a friendship just to keep the attention from both sides of the equation. Or better yet pretend that they don’t have any idea what we speak of.

However, when it reaches a crescendo and the couple have it out about this “chick/friend”, a man will say,
“What is your problem?”
“You know I’m not really going to mess with that girl?”
“I don’t even know what you are talking about!”
Even if a woman knows all of that is true, she wants to discuss how this makes her feel. She may counter his stupid logic with,
“It bothers me that you are even entertaining conversations with
a woman that wants you to leave me for her?”
“It hurts my feelings?”
“Why don’t you understand how this makes me feel?”

Then a man will have the nerve to say something like,

“I can’t have this argument with you, YOUR NOT BEING LOGICAL!”


A woman operates with both emotion and logic. If she relied solely on her logic, the two of you would probably not be together. Her logic would have had her weigh the pros and cons of who you are and moved on long ago. It is her emotional capacity that allows her to love you for who you are now, and for the potential of what you can become. It is the emotion she draws on, so you have a safe place to be yourself, no matter what that looks like.
So men, appreciate all the parts of your woman, including her emotional, irrational self. Without it, you would probably be alone!



Unknown said...

I love this piece! You are definitely spot on in your assessment of the male and female psyche. I hope others benefit from your insight as I did. Thx!!!!

MrKBMacD said...

I’m not feeling this statement at all. When a woman is upset and “irrational” about something, the worst thing a man can do is only apply HIS LOGIC to the situation?

You’ve admitted that you’re upset and being “irrational” about a situation, but I as a man, am wrong am thinking narrowly because I apply LOGIC to the situation? This is the most oxymoronic, emotional, idiotic thing that men don’t like about women!!

A woman will emotionally bring a situation to the table and get mad because the man utilizes logic instead of emotions to alleviate the problem. She becomes even more angry of the fact that he is not angry.

Your example of a woman in a romantic relationship feels threatened when another woman is actively trying to seduce her man was also very funny to me. First of all, it is insecurity and jealousy. Telling your partner/spouse you want his/her friend to back off because you’re uncomfortable is all about insecurity and jealousy!

Let’s discuss this “swag” we get when being pursued. You act as if this isn’t the same thing for women. Women get their “swag” too. Women being pursued change their ways also (i.e. hair, make-up, lingerie, attitude, etc.). Men giving that woman attention strokes her ego as well. “She may even “feign” a friendship just to keep the attention from both sides of the equation. Or better yet she pretends that she doesn’t have any idea what we speak of.”

A woman’s words …
“What is your problem?”
“You know I’m not really going to mess with that guy?”
“I don’t even know what you are talking about!”

Sound familiar?
A woman knows all of that is true and she still wants to discuss how this makes her feel.
A man knows all of that is true and he thinks about it logically and lets it go.

A woman says, “It bothers me that you are even entertaining conversations with a woman that wants you to leave me for her? It hurts my feelings?”

A man KNOWS that this other guy wants, first and foremost, sex from you. He may not and usually does not want to take you away. It’s about a conquest for men. But we let it go because we feel/hope you understand what he wants and handle the situation accordingly.

A woman operates with 98% emotion and 2% logic. Her emotional capacity is what drives us crazy!!! We definitely appreciate her emotional, irrational self even though most days we hate it. It’s a part of her that as we grow as men, we learn to accept, manage and deal with.
