Sunday, April 7, 2013

Call it What it Is!

The major cable news outlets will report ad nauseam, about the gridlock in Washington, but since President Obama's re-election, they avoid the real reasons why there is gridlock.

So that you don't have to wait to get my opinion on it, its because he is a black man. There is no other reason. This isn't about politics or policy. This is about the men and women in congress having to take leadership from a Black man. Most of them have never had to "work for" a Black person; forget about working for a Black man.

The issue at hand, is why is that still the pervasive feeling, all over this country? That somehow White people know what is better for everyone. What is funny is that President Obama's experience is nothing like the average Black man. How many are raised by White grandparents, go to ivy league schools, and then decides to go into public service? He didn't attempt to "get rich or die trying". He went into a community all but foreign too him and tried to make a difference. Maybe a little idealistic, but dedicated anyway.

Could the real issue with Obama be that he married a traditional Black woman? Does Michelle make him "more" black than he really is?

For most of the African-American community, they represent Black Love at its finest. His political aspirations have not come at the expense of his family. He has dinner as many nights as possible with his wife and kids. The girls have their grandmother there with them, so that familial ties continue, even when their parents are away.

To White communities, their lives are not only the exception to the rule, but it must be fake as well. When they do anything, say anything, look at anything, there is controversy. The newest that he called another Black woman beautiful. Why is that at the top of every news story? How many children died in the U.S. in the number of days that this has been a story?

I know that it won't change as long as he is in office, I just wished that they would call it what it is, and then the discussion following will start from a real place.


1 comment:

Susan Gainoutdinov said...

Well said! That's been the problem from his first day in office when what Congress should have been focused on is how to get this country back on track.