Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Looking in the Mirror

I, like many women around the world, have body image issues. It doesn't matter if you are tall, short, skinny or fat - there is something about ourselves we wish could be different.  When we look in the mirror, we rarely see what we love, we immediately focus on what isn't right. The beauty industry makes billions convincing us that we need the latest skin repair, plastic surgery, weight loss pill; and then everything is going to magically become perfect.

 What is funny about what we consider perfect really isn't. The most beautiful people in the world have the same issues. They may have been blessed with natural beauty, but they still look in the mirror and wished they there was something different. 

I had the opportunity to watch a documentary on the NatGeo Channel about "China's Elephant Man". His name is Huang Chuncai. He has a rare condition that results in large tumors. As a part of the documentary Huang was going to get the first of several surgeries to remove as much of the 50 lbs of overgrowth as they can. His surgeries are complicated - is right ear is at the same level as his mouth. His left eye  has been grown over completely. 

China's Elephant Man

The weight of the tumors have stunted his growth, and has curved his spine so that he is hump backed. He left school at the age of 12 because he was tired of being different and getting picked on. Now at 26 years old, he is resigned to staying in his village, where the people have gotten accustomed to him. He would love to work and care for his aging and ill parents, but he cannot. Instead his younger sister and brother have left their lives to come back and care for their parents, and their older brother. He knows that he has been a burden, and it hurts him.

I recount his story because he has made peace with himself and what has happened in his life. We need to make peace with ourselves. No matter what is going on or how you feel about the way you look, REMEMBER HUANG. Remember his strength and resolve. Stand a little taller, smile a little wider, and make peace with yourself!

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