Tuesday, April 16, 2013


How could I write about anything else today?
I believe that as a collective we all feel the tug of compassion for what happened in Boston yesterday. To hear again, that young children were targets of an assassins rage is disheartening. The youngest child affect is reported as being just a tender 2 year old. The youngest to perish was 8.

No one deserved what happened during that beautiful day in April, but especially not the innocent children.

Parallels have been made to Waco and the Oklahoma City Bombing tragedies in the countries recent past. This is in part to the fact that they all happened within days of each other, as if one was in memoriam of the one preceding it.

I almost cannot fathom that all of this has taken place in my lifetime.

My Beef!

I have watched mainstream media consistently push President Obama to say the word Terror, or this was a Terrorist Attack. Yet he has not said it publically, and for once, I am glad that he hasn’t.

I am glad, because I remember how we felt as a nation after the 9/11 attacks on the East Coast. We were all shaking in our boots, looking around every corner; no longer trusting our neighbors that didn’t look like us. All because we were repeatedly terrorized.

Initially we were terrorized by the attacks themselves. But then we were continuously terrorized by the actions of the leaders around the country.

Do you remember when we had all those colors to keep track of? Do you remember when you looked passengers in the face, on your plane, train, or bus to see if their eyes were shifty? I remember being terrorized.

I remember that officials made me more terrorized with each passing day. I remember every time an official came on television, I was in terror expecting something else had happened. That this something else wasn’t 30 minutes away from my home, but was right in my neighborhood. I was terrorized that it was going to terrorize my young son.

After a short time, psychologists and psychiatrists told people to turn off their televisions, especially if there were young children around. They made this suggestion because we were being terrified by the images on the screens. We were being terrified by the messages being broadcast. They terrorized all of us, young and old alike.

To be clear!

I am not saying that this isn’t an act of terror. OF COURSE IT WAS. It was done to make us afraid to go about our daily lives. It was done for us to lose faith in those that are appointed to protect us.

The point I am making is that I don’t need President Obama, or anyone else telling me it was an act of terror.

I can feel it all on my own.


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